Thoroughly Christian with a Classical Approach

We believe nothing is neutral, and this includes all parts of education.  Everything either comes from a worldview that acknowledges Christ is King, or it doesn't.  Our commitment to being thoroughly Christian involves more than adding a Bible verse to secular curriculum. All subjects are integrated around the truth that God is the Creator of all that exists, and therefore, all knowledge is interrelated and points back to him.  We want students to learn math, read books, perform music, and study the world like Christians.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.  Proverbs 9:10

We chose the Classical model because we believe it is simply the best way to educate. Classical education promotes wisdom and virtue through studying great books and teaching students to think with discernment. We recognize that children are much more than economic widgets and that the shaping of their moral imagination is more important than job-skills-only training. We want our children to grow into free men and women who can think critically and judge anything they encounter against the Truth.

We are unique in offering a full-time Classical Christian education in Lincoln, Nebraska.

We are currently offering a half-day kindergarten program, Tuesday-Friday, and plan to grow with this first class through 12th grade.